How secure is the our site? THE TECH AND GADGET SHOP (PTY)LTD

THE TECH AND GADGET SHOP (PTY)LTD takes every precaution to prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of all information under its control. When you submit sensitive information via our site, your information is protected both online and offline. When any of our pages ask you to enter sensitive information, the information is tokenised and stored with the payment provider and not us.
We also own our own data server and is not shared with other company’s like most website’s and only our director has access to it making it solid for security bridge – THE TECH AND GADGET SHOP (PTY)LTD do not retain the payment,or card,or account details.

When you are visiting our secure page, such as our registration form, the lock icon in the top of web browsers such as Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer indicate Https means site is secured,if at any moment only Http and s is missing means its not secure as opposed to unlocked, or open, when you are just ‘surfing’. While we use encryption to protect sensitive information online, we also do everything in our power to protect user information offline. The server that we own store personally identifiable information on are kept in a secure environment with firewall protection,anti spam,anti malware,phrishing protected. If you find [Https] is on [http] or have any questions about the security on our site, then send an e-mail to

THE TECH AND GADGET SHOP (PTY)LTD will never ask u for any details,info via sms,phone call or email
pls report t to admin as soon a it happens and our internet security provider will deal with it anda criminal cae wll e opened Asapand e will mail u with case no.We do take you and your info very serious and will not tolerate crime and have 0% tolerance if law is broken.

THE TECH AND GADGET SHOP (PTY)LTD we believe every person do have the right in a safe shopping enviroment and we work with microsoft,google,eset internet security,domains sa,ikhokha payment gateway,absa to learn about new scam,hacking,data stealing tricks and update our security files weekly.

Regards S Van Veelen

Our security tips and oath to you as client

THE TECH AND GADGET SHOP (PTY)LTD oath security tips and warning about Criminal activities

THE TECH AND GADGET SHOP (PTY)LTD oath and important tips about Piracy,scams,insecure or fake sites please,please do read this until u understand it.

It is physically impossible for 95% of online store’s to verify and authenticate each item listed on the site. However, we do NOT allow any sellers,resellers or affiliate marketing,or RELATED programs.
You are secured by us we keep it Simple and every single item in our store is verified,confirmed and Quality inspected by our Director and quality controller to ensure end user[customer] receives best value for hard earned money u spend by us keeping fair price in mind.

If you notice any suspicious items or feel that piracy is involved, please let us know at and we will do a private out sourced investigation not controlled by us to insure fairness by us,you as client,and supplier.If they find its true we will 100% refund you same day and open criminal case against supplier,and blacklist supplier and remove supplier from our system and data base.
We will also refer it to Google,Mozilla,Firefox,Bing,microsoft and social media platforms to advise them so they can be removed from any online activity we have zero tolerance for Dishonest Business practices and will exploit them if caught.

Your purchases on THE TECH AND GADGET SHOP (PTY)LTD are also covered by our Buyer Protection Program.Terms and conditions apply

And can be view in footer menu under buyer protection.

Always remember to check website first at if a company is scammers you will find them listed at hellopeter.Also visit there social media platforms if they have any.

look for business emails like admin@ or Info@ or Helpdesk @ follow by name like ours {admin@thetechandgadgetshop,co,za/} because they are registered and confirmed email accounts and easy to track them if needed scammers will never use these,normal emails make it very difficult especially in south Africa we cybercrime unit like in Europe is non existing making 1000’s of criminals to get away with it and its rising daily,unfortunatly the web did become the new scammer breeding ground.

Also be very aware of shops online or site’s that only have a direct transfer payment option in checkout.A Registered shop or Company via CIPC will have payfast,Ikhoka,direct transfer,rcs,Mobicredit payment option because all of the above do need proof of CIPC, Id documents ,proof of address,SARS documents making it almost impossable to be fake, scam ,steal your info/money they will be arrested in very fast.It also give u as customer a platform to report unfair practice,how do u report a unregistered business if they dont list in SOUTH AFRICA CIPC DATABASE.

Also dont use site’s at all that doesn’t start in Http[s] note if no [s] after http site is 100% not secure at all and we advise to leave it asap.—VERY VERY!!!!!!! IMPORTANT

As our customer we advise u about this to make u aware when visiting any website and pls do check these things we mention before you pay or buy anything ,you will spare u and your family a lot of drama. You can also ask the seller questions, and you can always contact us if you find any misgivings and we will see if you can assist you before u pay,after payment we cant help your its hard find online store thats a scam cause it in fact does not exist. We will be happy to assist you. We can assure you,if you do this little extra check you have 95% option not getting scammed.

Regards from the Director of The Tech And Gadget shop

Phishing warning locally an international

If such confidential information is requested from you, you are most likely the recipient of an attempted phishing attack. Simply ignore the request and contact us asap we will deal with it further do not confront or try them these ppl are hard criminals and can be Dangerous if confronted without local Saps and security company like Mike Bolhuis who are the only company who can catch and deal with them he has his own cybercrime unit as seen on tv and doesnt tolerate scammers.

And contact us asap so we can give it to a 3rd party cybercrime unit

Phishing is a type of scam designed to steal your identity to gain access to your account. In phishing scams, the scam artists entice you to disclose valuable personal data such as your username and password by convincing you that they are genuinely communicating directly from THE TECH AND GADGET SHOP[PTY]LTD

There has been an increasing trend internationally and now locally for such phishing schemes to be carried out online through spam email or pop-up windows. These email addresses seem genuine, as the sender address creates the impression that it was sent from THE TECH AND GADGET SHOP[PTY]LTD. They are NOT and there are signs that will alert you to the fact that they are not authentic mails. The most important sign is to always check the URL in your browser to make sure that it is and not some other arbitrary URL.

How do they do it

First, the scammers call your mobile carrier, impersonating you and claiming to have lost or damaged their — really your — SIM card. They then ask the customer service representative to activate a new SIM card in the fraudster’s possession. This ports your telephone number to the criminal’s device, which contains the scammer’s own SIM card. Once your carrier completes this request, all phone calls and texts that are supposed to go to you will instead go to the scammer’s device.

How are fraudsters able to answer the security questions your mobile carrier asks? How can they provide any personal information your smartphone provider’s customer-service rep asks when trying to determine if it’s you on the other end of the phone?

Scammers might send you an email claiming to be from your smartphone provider. This email might say that you need to click on a link to keep your account open. When you do, you’re taken to a new page that asks you to provide personal information, including your name, birthdate, and passwords. Maybe the page even asks for your Social Security number. Once you fill this out and click “Send,” you’ve given the scammers access to the information they need to trick your mobile phone carrier into a SIM swap scam.

Fraudsters might also buy your personal and financial information on the dark web. This, too, would arm these con artists with the information they need to successfully work their scam.

These criminals then gain access to and control over your cellphone number, something that fraudsters can use to access your phone communications with banks and other organizations, in particular, your text messages. They can then receive any codes or password resets sent to that phone via call or text for any of your accounts. And that’s it: They’re in.

Regards: S van veelen


If you are in any doubt about the source of an email claiming to come from us or of the validity of our website, contact us on +2771 218 2613 or

Beware aware off oversees buyers and sellers

Sellers and buyers please be extra cautious when dealing with overseas buyers and sellers who insist on paying using credit cards. These buyers often use stolen or invalid credit cards.

Be cautious when dealing with new sellers or users with no ratings, trying to speed up the process, pressurising you into shipping goods off immediately.

Before shipping/handing over any goods, ensure that your money has cleared. For example, a cheque handed to you at collection may bounce. Even if you receive proof of payment, always wait for funds to clear before shipping goods. Be wary of buyers who offer you additional money to speed up the process or insist on sending goods to another address (different to the order address).

Buyers beware
Buyers should be extra cautious when finalising a transaction, as it is usually buyers who will be requested to deposit or send monies to the seller. Remember: if the deal looks too good to be true, it is highly likely that it is not true!

Be cautious when dealing with new sellers or sellers with no ratings, trying to speed up the process or pressurising you into completing payment immediately. Be wary of sellers who tell you that this is the last one in stock or that they have another buyer interested in the item to put pressure on you to finalise the payment and offering immediate shipping via courier if you make prompt payment.
Do not deposit money into a bank account or send money to a Postal Box if you cannot verify the identity of the seller.
Be very wary of users (especially those overseas) requesting to use the following payment methods or delivery companies:
Western Union
Moneygram or Money Order
E-Gold / E-gol / Osgol / Goldmoney
Payment via Wire
Express Postal Service

Ask questions
Don’t be afraid to ask the seller questions regarding the listing or the item they are selling. Just click on the ask a question link, posted in every item listing. We would advise you to proceed with caution when dealing with sellers who do not answer questions or evade your questions.w

We do hope that you find above info helpfull we know your life is gonna be much better and your money will be safe.You as our client is aware about criminal activity.Do visit monthly as we update new scams as google,microsoft,and our internet security and community update us on new

methods and scams,we live in a time where the web did become a breeding ground for cybercrime and please be aware and keep passwords in different places.

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